Tag Archives: disinformation

Information Credibility Slides Lesson

Learning to identify misinformation, disinformation, deepfakes and other baloney I recently created this lesson on information credibility for our OJCS middle schoolers in the interactive format of Nearpod.  I am posting the slides version here for students and teachers far and wide to use.  Our young people need this now more than ever!

Become a Fact-Checker… Part 1: Reading Laterally

There is a constant stream of misinformation and disinformation out there about a lot of world news and this is especially true about the Coronavirus.  Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is often posted deliberately to deceive.  Disinformation is false information put out through certain politicians or governments to deliberately deceive.  Unfortunately, both misinformation … Continue reading Become a Fact-Checker… Part 1: Reading Laterally