Tag Archives: Online Safety

What Are Social Bots?

A DigCit Info Post You have probably heard people talk about something you find on social media called bots.  You may even have had an experience with bots liking, retweeting, or commenting on your social media posts.  But what exactly are bots?  Are they dangerous? There was an event on TikTok a few months ago … Continue reading What Are Social Bots?

Online Safety Workshop – Protect Your Passwords!

You might have heard that there are some very commonly used passwords that you should never use because they are very easy for hackers to figure out.  Passwords we should never use include; your pet’s name your own name your siblings name your birthday your street name password 123456 abc123 iloveyou princess dragon But how … Continue reading Online Safety Workshop – Protect Your Passwords!

Remembering to be a Digital Citizen While Gaming

By now you are all amazing digital citizens when you’re online; you protect your private information, you don’t post mean comments on other people’s blogs, photos, or videos.  You are careful about the websites you visit and you balance your time online.  Now let me ask you this… Do you remember to be a good … Continue reading Remembering to be a Digital Citizen While Gaming

Phishing For YOUR Personal Information

Middle School Phishing Lesson for the week of May 4th You may have heard the word phishing  in relation to online safety and wondered what it meant.  Imagine that YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION is the fish these phishers are fishing for.  Your phone number, address, financial information, passwords, etc…  Phishers are online scammers who are trying … Continue reading Phishing For YOUR Personal Information