Tag Archives: information credibility

Information Credibility – Research for Public Speaking

It is public speaking time at the OJCS, which means most grades are engaged in doing research for their speeches.  The following is a lesson for our grade 7s and 8s (although it can be used across most grades) that explains how we determine if the sources we want to use for our research are … Continue reading Information Credibility – Research for Public Speaking

Learning to Assess Information Credibility with my Favourite Tree Octopus

A Fun Lesson for our grades 3-5 students Each student will need a device for this activity.  You will share the link to the following site with your students. https://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/   Teachers will then need to print the web evaluation checklist.  Click the button on the upper right hand corner ‘pop out’.  Only print page 1.  … Continue reading Learning to Assess Information Credibility with my Favourite Tree Octopus

Information Credibility Slides Lesson

Learning to identify misinformation, disinformation, deepfakes and other baloney I recently created this lesson on information credibility for our OJCS middle schoolers in the interactive format of Nearpod.  I am posting the slides version here for students and teachers far and wide to use.  Our young people need this now more than ever!