Category Archives: professional development

From “AI Skeptic” to Algorithmic Advocate

Why Our Students Need Critical AI Literacy As a part of my professional development project this year, I signed up for a wonderful course through Library Juice Academy called AI and Libraries, for Skeptics.   Though it was Keanu and dystopian futures I was envisioning, that really wasn’t what it was about. The focus of the … Continue reading From “AI Skeptic” to Algorithmic Advocate

Evaluating a World of Reading Challenges

For my professional development project this year, I have decided to tackle the question of school reading challenges.  There is a lot more to this than you would imagine.  In fact, there have been numerous studies done to evaluate if these challenges encourage or discourage reading, or even if they make any impact at all. … Continue reading Evaluating a World of Reading Challenges

Developing the Library’s French Collection

This year I am taking the time to evaluate our French collection and I am trying to fill in some curriculum gaps in order to help our French teachers give students at the school the best possible French language education.  Over the years there have been some beautiful books ordered, but were they the ones … Continue reading Developing the Library’s French Collection

My Wonderful Experience with Student-Led Conferences

(This article was written a few years ago and is being re-posted here to share as a part of a twitter chat #2ndchat on Wednesday November 13th at 8 pm.) What a Grade 1 Student-Led Conference Might Look Like My daughter’s school holds student-led conferences once a year for all grades.  Last night, my husband … Continue reading My Wonderful Experience with Student-Led Conferences

Critical Pedagogy and Our North Stars

Over the past month I have been taking a course on a wonderful philosophy of education called Critical Pedagogy.  Critical pedagogy’s most influential theorist, Paolo Freire, compared the education system to banking.  In this banking model, teachers make deposits of knowledge which students bank for future use.  Because of this, students often approach their education … Continue reading Critical Pedagogy and Our North Stars