A Busy Week of Library Workshops

Grade 3 Workshops – Using Keywords

Last week was a busy one for library workshops!  Both grade 3 classes visited for a workshop about using keywords when they are using online search engines.  This hands-on workshop had them experimenting with different combinations of keywords (queries) and looking at how the results vary when they did so.  They also learned about kid-friendly and easy-to-read search engines like my favourite one, kiddle.co

Next week we will begin working on very simple bibliographies and talk about the importance of giving credit in our work to the authors of the research we use.

Grade 7 workshop – Credible Sources of Data

Ms. McWhirter’s grade 7 math class joined me in the library for a workshop on finding credible data for research.  They are working on the real-world applications for mathematics and choosing a topic for a data-driven research paper.  They learned about how StatsCan is a great resource for data in Canada, as well as University and non-profit sites.

Nearpod has a wonderful interactive primer lesson for choosing credible sources that is a good starting point for this kind of work.

They also learned how to create APA citations in the Google Docs citation tool and use it to make their References page and their in-text citations.

If parents are interested in learning how, you can check out this video tutorial.

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