Category Archives: Digital Citizenship

Let’s Think About Our Digital Footprints

A New Nearpod Lesson I have created a new Nearpod lesson that can be used anywhere from grade 4 to grade 8 in which we will learn about Digital Footprints.  Digital Footprints are the tracks you leave all over the internet every time you go online.  Any time you visit a website, leave a comment, … Continue reading Let’s Think About Our Digital Footprints

Online Safety Workshop – Protect Your Passwords!

You might have heard that there are some very commonly used passwords that you should never use because they are very easy for hackers to figure out.  Passwords we should never use include; your pet’s name your own name your siblings name your birthday your street name password 123456 abc123 iloveyou princess dragon But how … Continue reading Online Safety Workshop – Protect Your Passwords!

Digital Citizenship Workshop – Facts vs. Opinions

Today we listen to the story; Facts vs. Opinions vs. Robots by Michael Rex Afterwards we will complete a short assignment to make sure we understand the difference.  Understanding the difference between facts and opinions is another way we can be great digital citizens.  There is so much information online presented as a fact when … Continue reading Digital Citizenship Workshop – Facts vs. Opinions

Reaching Students Through Nearpod

As a part of my professional development this year, I had the goal of using Nearpod to create lessons that could reach students that I could not see in person.  I wanted to start by creating lessons that would cover essential research skills and then move them on to working on digital citizenship and media … Continue reading Reaching Students Through Nearpod

Digital Citizenship Meets The OJCS Reading Challenge!

This year the OJCS Reading Challenge is designed to make reading fun, encourage our students to reach for new reading goals, and to teach digital citizenship while connecting globally. We will be getting students to participate in the class creation of tweets, instagram posts, youtube videos or tik tok videos (whatever social media formats the … Continue reading Digital Citizenship Meets The OJCS Reading Challenge!

Learning to Assess Information Credibility with my Favourite Tree Octopus

A Fun Lesson for our grades 3-5 students Each student will need a device for this activity.  You will share the link to the following site with your students.   Teachers will then need to print the web evaluation checklist.  Click the button on the upper right hand corner ‘pop out’.  Only print page 1.  … Continue reading Learning to Assess Information Credibility with my Favourite Tree Octopus

The Sad Little Fact – Being a Fact-Finder in the Age of Misinformation

A fake fact is otherwise known as MISINFORMATION… Misinformation is ‘false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.’ Where do we hear this misinformation?  Unfortunately, the online world is absolutely full of it.  From youtube videos, to tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media, people are bombarded with fake facts and … Continue reading The Sad Little Fact – Being a Fact-Finder in the Age of Misinformation

Life Hacks That Seem Impossible Likely Are

There has been a rise in the past year of viral video ‘life hacks’ or ‘kitchen hacks’ depicting recipes or experiments that create impossible results.  These videos have kids rushing to try out these sometimes dangerous experiments thinking that incredible things will happen, only to be left disappointed that it didn’t work for them. What’s … Continue reading Life Hacks That Seem Impossible Likely Are