Tag Archives: read aloud

Winter Fun Day Story – In the Snow: Who’s Been Here?

For Winter Fun Day we read: In the Snow: Who’s Been Here? by Lindsay Barrett George Print and Play the Animal Track Match Game! Visit That After School Life to get instructions on how to play!  The PDF printables are free.  Students can play in groups of 4, so only a few sets are needed … Continue reading Winter Fun Day Story – In the Snow: Who’s Been Here?

Tu B’Shevat Storytime – Be A Friend to Trees

Hello everyone and happy Tu B’Shevat!  Today we read… Be A Friend to Trees by Patricia Lauber  and illustrated by Holly Keller Your Assignment: Where the video asks you to make a list of things made out of wood, and then things made out of paper and cardboard, PAUSE the video and list the items … Continue reading Tu B’Shevat Storytime – Be A Friend to Trees