The month of February is JDAIM- Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month. The right book can really help foster more awareness and kindness in our students. I have created a book bin with books on this topic for reading buddies that you can find at any time in the library. I have also created a short list of some of our most on-point titles;
Just Ask! by Sonia Sotomayor. This lovely book covers various kinds of differences and how every individual has so much to share.
Knots on a Counting Rope by Bill Martin and John Archambault. A beautifully poetic book about a blind child developing confidence in his own abilities.
Thank you, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco. Patricia Polacco has to be one of my all time favourite children’s authors. She has so many titles that deal with themes of children struggling because they are different and then finding the support they deserve in their teachers and friends. It is about how much each child is capable of, no matter what the obstacle may be at first. In this book, our protagonist struggles with dyslexia but with the support of a compassionate teacher is able to learn to read.
I’m Wendy Blair, Not a Chair! by Carolyn MacDiarmid. This book is about not letting your disability hold you back. This was written and published by The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work.
You’re Different and That’s Super by Carson Kressley. This book was written by one of the original Queer Eye crew and is a hilarious and adorable book about how special it is to be different. A storytime favourite.
We’re All Wonders by R.J. Palacio. We can’t end a list like this without including something by Palacio. This picture book brings home the main message in the novel Wonder for a younger audience. Beautifully illustrated.